Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Experiment in Narcissistic Behavior

Experiment in Narcissistic Behavior

WATCH OUT FOR THIS PSYCHO! Narcissism is one of the "dark traits" identified by psychologists, alongside psychopathy, Machiavellianism and sadism. We turned the table on a psycho Narcissist and fed him his own ill behaviors to get his response. He could dish out bad narcissist behavior, self generated rage, unending insults, but could he take it in?

The experiment began by collecting together a short list of his most rude recent episodic actions and then waiting for the next transition episode to occur. Each behavior was then mirrored back and the results noted.

Defective Brain Narcissism Syndrome

The results showed the narcissist became even more problematic, could not take in anything that he dished out. Rises in anger were frequent and led to fits of unending rage and actual childish temper tantrums. The number and intensity  magnitude level of insults rose dramatically. Last but not least, he began making bully threats and engaging in blackmail, i.e. if you don't do this... I will do this to you... At that point, plans were immediately made to cut off the narcissist completely and the experiment into his unending psycho anomalies were concluded.

Dept. of Shared Psychology, Dr. Isaac Bension Phd., Psycho Analysis Division
Results of this scientific psycho analytical experiment will be be made known in great detail in private by anyone who supplies a SASE.