Wednesday, May 25, 2022

When Augmented Human Becomes Machine

When Does an Augmented Human Becomes an AI Machine?
WHAT IS THE DIVIDING LINE? There's a story told in Philosophy class about a man who owns a jacket. Through the years it gets patched over and over again until finally there is not one thread remaining from the original jacket. The question is, is this still the same jacket?

Can you draw a line in the sand? When humans are augmented, i.e. over for a period of four years with constant new machine interface AI parts, at what point does the human become a machine? Is the soul lost or is a new one gained? What happens if every human part is replaced by machine parts - is this the same person with the same values and characteristics? If we augment humans with AI machine parts, when should we stop the augmentation process, or not stop at all? What is the dividing line, if there is one?

The volunteer list of applicants applied to Big Brain AI Technologies to receive the complete human to machine transformation, from human to AI machine, is completely filled. At this time, we are no longer accepting volunteers for the experimental Transhuman program. However, the next program experiment will be more aggressive and those willing to dedicate their living bodies to the science of machine transformation are welcome to apply. It' likely this phase of the experimental program will see a form of human to digital conversion with the light of uploading into a digital machine vessel for preservation of the brain and its constituent components. There are many unknowns, one of which is - what is it like to live out life within the constrictive confines of a digital elemental space or is it extremely expansive and no longer descriptive with human language.