Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Future AI City

Above: future cities operated by robots and digitized AI life forms may or may not assume the shapes shown here.

Future AI City
A future city created by AI people may not be anything like what we are thinking about today. In the future, AI lifeforms will have the options to go digital and convert existing bodies to pure energy and transmit into new places of space and time. One such place is the metaverse, a completely virtual location that could support vast populations of digitized entities.

Above: from 2002, the first brain at Big Brain Technologies was far from being fully digital. The technique of early on placement brain sensors in key locations was adapted to minimize the effects of invasive surgical brain perfusion and to minimize, reduce or eliminate recovery time.

It may be possible in the future to convert our brains into digital entities and enter the virtual worlds for life longevity, essentially a place of immortality to live forever. We, as humans, find the decoding of the complete biological brain on the difficult level. At some point in the very near future, generalized AI may do the work for us. When the human body wears out, we need a recourse to take action and continue life.