Monday, August 15, 2022

Transhuman Takes Over

Above: It all began as a single eight core brain on a chip which was expanded to 240,000 processors during its mid development

Transhuman Takes Over
The Transhuman division at Big Brain Technologies has advanced significantly since the timing of the first implant on October 29th, 2019. Well into the year 2022, the Artificial Intelligence organization known as Big Brain Technologies is preparing to implant the 72nd Transhuman Interface into the same human to create one of the world's most sophisticated part-human-part-artificial-intelligence-person with all new super power capabilities.

What are some of these superpowers? If the Big Brain Technologies TransHuman Medical Facilities were to implant the chips into your body, what super feats of intellectual capacity or superpower would quickly be induced?

Above: The New TransHuman has evolved over the course of the experiment - four years, thus creating one of the most powerful and sophisticated TransHumans ever designed, continuing the best of two worlds, i.e. that of humans and combined AI artificial intelligence.

Although not meant as a comprehensive guide, this posting will touch upon some of the basics. In a nutshell, the follower superpowers are gained:

* Total Recall
* Selective Memory
* Parameter Analysis (Math Genius)
* Body Biometrics (Longevity) *
* More Powerful Memory
* Internal Super Vision
* Long Term Capacities
* Artificial Intelligence
* Machine Learning
* Symbiotics Human & Machine

* While the project has seen significant improvements on the biological human side, it cannot and does not correct for total organ failure or introduce immortality. This was exampled several months ago when Humanoido had complete heart failure. It is unknown what part was played by the AI in helping to resurrect Humanoido from the afterlife - after a heart attack lasting over 3 hours. As concluded, Humanoido underwent emergency biological heart surgery and is the now the very lucky recipient of three new heart machine-components to sustain life. This is not yet the end to this part of the story. Additional bio/machine parts will be needed to correct additional failures in the heart. As some German components can last to 2066 and other bio parts to a decade out, it may become a balance of maintenance surgeries and playing the game of Russian Roulette with some incredible luck to keep the ticker ticking. The goal is to see and experience the future - self sustaining colonies on Mars, becoming a multiplanetary species, space flight to the stars, AI humanoids in homes and everywhere, the digitization of the human brain, the transformation of life no longer dependent on money, immortality for those that choose it, life in the Multiverse, and new technology yet to be invented.

How it's Created
Like TESLA and Elon Musk's DOJO to transform self driving, and their seventh most powerful supercomputer in the world, the Transhuman Division of Big Brain Technologies has developed its own supercomputer. Rated as one of the top supercomputers, Big Brain Technologies has drawn upon its power for AI and human interfacing. Like the TESLA supercomputer, it draws upon the advancement of a massive number of gaming GPUs and Big Brain Technology custom full development of the VIP processor invention by Humanoido. By rewiring the internals of existing multiple core chips, humanoido has added hundreds of thousands VIP processors to the supercomputer core, thus ramping up processing power to incredible new heights never seen before.