Sunday, September 4, 2022

Human Digitization to Space Exploration

Hauling up the tonnage of humans in bio matter form along with heavy mechanistic hardware will become an obsolete futile endeavor. Mankind will soon digitize the human body and merge it with AI constructs for the advantages of teleportation of pure weightless energy matter into space.

Human Digitization to Space Exploration

Big Brain Technologies working with SPACE1 has developed the concept of bio matter to digital weightless energy matter to be teleported into space for space exploration and colonization of the new form of humanistic species. The form of digital energy can be located to distant places in space time at the speed of light.

Looking at the experiments successfully performed thus far by the foundations, we have the digitization of the human brain Cortex, the digital creation of TransHuman Billion Dollar Man, and the conversion of solid matter into digital energy for transposition.

How far into  space can digital energy be propelled at the speed of light? Only time is a limiting factor. Colonization of the entire Solar System is one first possibility. Eventually FTL techniques of transmutation will exceed light travel and place the distribution of humankind's dominion far throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and potentially beyond, further and deeper into the Universe.

Left: moving on the project step by step, before digitization and conversion of these devices into a matter stream for transmutation, it was just a talking electric brain in a jar.

Upon the advent of digitization, the devices could thereupon reside in a self contained energy Metaverse and transmitted as a packet into space. Multiple copies of the digital footprint are easily made and could be aimed throughout the Solar System and Galaxy to assure the survival and transposition of the species.