Sunday, September 4, 2022

Replacing Heart Bio Parts for Life Longevity

Replacing Heart Bio Parts for Life Longevity

Left: replacing a number of machine components in a bio heart to give it a tuneup for life longevity

Humanoido is bravely on a quest of life longevity, aiming to live significantly longer and to essentially extend life for as long as possible by not only the connection and intersection of AI components into the human body (see TransHuman project details) but the replacement of heart bio parts as well.

In a brave but risky attempt, the quest for longevity is an uphill climb with potentially a minimum of three invasive bio heart surgeries, each placing new components into the bio heart to make it last years and years longer. How many years of additional life span is an unknown but there are some guidelines based on the quality of the components and data. In the first surgery, metal machine components for the heart were manufactured in Germany with materials that can potentially last to 2066, a definite jump into the future by an additional 40 years, potentially yielding a significant new lease on life, which satisfies the criteria for future time travel for the Big Brain Technologies life longevity project.


2nd Photo: Overhauling Old Heart Valves
The second surgery is significantly more involved to overhaul the engine's main pumping system (heart) and to replace the main aortic valve, making it more reliable and giving it a greater life span. If needed, the plan includes a third operation on the heart distribution center of blood platelets.

3rd Photo: Smoothing the Flow
The blood flow pattern is especially important to prevent any leakage or backflow. This is accomplished by the use of tight non-leakage valves and the proper opening and closing timing sequences.

As with any medical surgery, there are a million other things that can go wrong. We hope this is not the case and that all surgeries will go smoothly and life will be extended significantly. It's a risk like a game of Russian Roulette. In the advent of an installed part failure, another surgery can remove it to install a new one. However, there is a surgery limit with the injection of radioactive dye material during each operation - too much, too often, or too long of exposure will kill the kidneys and other internal bio organs. Other risks include death by sudden and complete component failure, component dislodging, infection, human surgical error, bleeding out, clotting, blockage, lack of healing, or a massive terminating heart attack.