Saturday, September 3, 2022

Reading your Neighbor's Brain - Noninvasive Atomic Tele Brain Absorber Focuser

As the Noninvasive Atomic Tele Brain Absorber Focuser is a machine, it can be incorporated into the inner workings of artificial robotic humanoids that could then have the capacity to read human brains from a distance, much like telepathy. If both machines and humans are equipped with such devices, a completely telepathic form of communications could result. The send/receive nodes are placed on the forehead above the eyes for the most direct path to the internal brain. The neural nubs contain atomic circuits for directly probing the brain. The neural read data is fed to an algorithmic processor decoder.

Read your Neighbor's Brain
Noninvasive Atomic Tele Brain Absorber Focuser

Isolating the strange behavior of the atomic structure of the brain enables devices to noninvasively read brain matter atomic states

A Wireless Noninvasive Brain Reader
Advancing work on the Noninvasive Atomic Tele Brain Absorber Focuser by Humanoido at Big Brain Technologies Cybernetics Division has extended its range from that of a few millimeters to several feet with the add-on atomic parabolic amplifier focuser in place. Theoretically the amplified range can be increased much farther to read the thoughts of a neighboring brain through a basic line of sight pathway. This opens up the potential for telepathic communications between humans, between AI machines, and between humans and AI machines. As the noninvasive sensors are increased in sensitivity, the range and bandwidth will proportionally increase.