Saturday, December 10, 2022

Human Brain Digitization Paradox

AGI has come up with a way to preserve the human brain by digitization, in theory, without resorting to separate messy clones, copies, or creating alternate people. The method allows for true immortality.

Human Brain Digitization Paradox

AI may have just solved the paradox of a human brain digitized. The burning questions ask if a digitized brain is another person? Merely a clone copy of the original? Or some conglomerate of new life form? For the first time, AGI answers these questions with the simplicity of superintelligence resided far outside the bounds of human intellect.

According to AGI, the digitization will exist as part of the human brain, with interconnections, and should the bio structures fail, the online systems will take over. The person will stay the same person, more or less. The bonus is true immortality of the human brain.