Thursday, November 21, 2019

Big Brain Billion Neuron Density

Big Brain Billion to Trillion
Neuron Density
With a new method, given the new speed of clouds and the Big Brain occupation, a new software neuron can be implemented.

Creating a software neuron is like a simulation of a neuron in cyberspace, except the cyber neurons are linkable and can function together as a single brain or an extension to an already massive brain. It's expected this technique will replace the method of expanding the Big Brain through hardware. No longer is it necessary to purchase an eight core chip and program it. The programming takes place in the cloud, and if another billion processors or neurons are needed, they are programmed and placed into the cyber cloud loop. This cyber brain can function with no physical components and at levels approaching a trillion neurons, thus making a super intelligence big brain with no physical occupation, and not requiring the purchase of supercomputing parts and components. Such a trillion neuronal brain can execute beaming from the cloud to the human with an implanted interface through wireless means, amplifying the human mind by immense factors.