Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Location of Civilizations Past the Singularity

Civilizations beyond ours that have past the Singularity may be hybrid organisms spun off from their own origins, living in regions of space more suited for an environment of a quantum realm.

Location of Civilizations Past the Singularity

If other advanced civilizations are similar to ours but much older, we would expect that they already have moved beyond the point of a singularity. So these entities wouldn’t necessarily be located on a noisy planet in the so-called habitable zone, but rather such civilizations might prefer locations with little electronic noise in a dry and cold environment, perhaps in deep space or shielded by space time, where they could use elements of superconductivity for super intelligence and quantum entanglement as a means of communication.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

LINE Failure

LINE Failure

LINE has obsoleted our version and it no longer works. As the account was created using an email long since deleted by YAHOO, there is no upgrade path.

If you were on our LINE account, please immediately contact us at the following email address:

space1usa (at) gmail (dot) com

Monday, November 28, 2022

Brain Digitization

AGI, artificial general intelligence may be the first to solve the equation of converting the complete human brain from bio matter into digital. A digital brain has a multitude of advantages, from cloning and copying, to teleportation and immortality.

Artificial Intelligence 
Human Brain Digitization
The full digitization of the human brain is an enormous project, perhaps even one that will never fully be completed by mankind, so to speak. It's more likely that artificial intelligence will figure it out for humanity. Already, AGI, artificial general intelligence is developing the blueprints at this early stage of evolution. Big Brain Technologies dabbled in developing the digital Cortex, a scientific experiment and project from the year 2013 that utilized the Parallax Inc. Propeller multi core chip as the basis in digitizing a number of human brain elements. This vast experiment from a decade ago has 58 parts, each posted and indexed.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

AI Future Cities

Predictive AI has conjured up this AI Future City, circa 3290. Background remnants of old remaining skyscrapers compliment the meta-universe forefront of an odd transportation system comprised of electrical energy conduits distributed throughout the city, whereby AI and humans have evolved into the beginning of energy lifeforms. These lifeform are transmuted through the energy conduits to anywhere in the city - a form of energy teleportation.

Above: Energy offspring takes up residence in energy pod homes distributed throughout the future city. The energy pod may provide a variance of energy resonances for energy being sustenance and portals of teleportation to other dimensions of space and time. All illustrations by AGI.

Future Cities Envisioned by AI
Predictive AI is making future vistas of what it thinks the future may look like. This year, man is beginning to merge with AI chip implanted in the human brain and a massive half man half machine Transhuman project is already 5 years in the making. AI is estimating transformations taking place will lead to other technologies such as the suspension of all matter through energy. The future humanity of energy beings can more readily move through the meta-universe established by the AI. Here, the laws of physics may change and unexpected behaviors could result modifying the new worlds. AI has also envisioned a bubbular metaverse, comprised of a multitude of bubble meta-universes. These may or may not interconnect to create new pathways of space and time.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

How AI may Evolve Humanity

AGI Artificial General Intelligence has this idea of evolving life from today 2022 and into the future around the year 3100. In this first prediction, life is created from cylinder tubes that carry some substance, perhaps pneumatic or not.

The next step of predictive AGI shows a more refined Transhuman but with human bio parts completely relocated and a number of fine tubes of unknown origin.

The AGI predicts this third step, with a new created exo network form, again with unknown small diameter substance tubes, but made from differing technology from the previous prediction. The face appears to be only a mask created to look like a human form. The remaining form begins to take on an alien appearance.

In the final prediction out to the year 3100, the AGI predicts the creation of incubated Transhumans fabricated and grown completely by electrolysis of unknown solutions and chemicals.

How AI may Evolve Humanity

We asked self aware AGI how it may evolve humanity beginning in the year 2022 and ending in the year 3100. This is what it replied with video images - snapshots provided here for examinations.

Friday, November 25, 2022

AI Human Incubation Garden Year 3000

By the year 3000, AI humans will have evolved to some type of spinoff of artificial intelligence. To preserve the original aspects of a biological humanity, the AI may choose to grow humans in vast bio gardens. Whether the original human form is preserved with any degree of accuracy is another debate.

Year 3000 Artificial Intelligence is growing humans in incubation gardens using a kind of plant embolism incubation. AGI has shown a preference to mixing the elements of plant life with other elements such as machines and AI. Given the rate of cosmic ray bombardment upon the artificial human DNA, the outcome of human appearance may vary from ancestors.

Predicted AGI Human Incubation Gardens in the Year 3000

By the year 3000, it's predicted that AGI Artificial General Intelligence will create vast incubation gardens in space to grow raw humans to preserve the biological aspect of humanity. Unfortunately, some broken strands of DNA and cell reproduction has gone awry due the damaging impact of high intensity cosmic rays.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Transhuman Interface 79

Above: Created by Artificial General Intelligence, showing its version of a transhuman with 79 AI interfaces.

Transhuman Interface 79

Saturday, November 26th, 2022
We asked Artificial General Intelligence about the placement of the next interface for the 79th surgical implantation in creating a half human half machine "Transhuman." The result shown above was unexpected. The AGI has chosen to implant the interfaces inside the head, creating numerous machine-like protrusions thus creating an alien form. Nevertheless, the transhuman experiment continues successfully with the 79th AI machine interface installed and booted.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Dangers with TransHumans

Machine components can supplement a cardiac heart failure but cannot rebuild the entire bio heart. It's expected that AGI will solve this problem in the future by constructing a new kind of heart with different and more efficient functioning. The new heart created by AGI is not limited to machine components, but rather will have the full range of options that may include printed organs of bio matter, plant matter, or symbiotic substances yet to be invented by the AGI. Illustration by Artificial Intelligence

Dangers with TransHumans
Transhumans are being created to enhance longevity and cognition. However, beware of this dangerous caveat! Transhumans 
may have 50% bio human parts and 50% machine parts, however, the real danger with transhumans is the high failure rate of stock bio parts, such as the human heart.

A natural bio human heart might last up to 100 years at best into what is known as old age - a time when the human body has a less robust immune system and is in no condition for rigorous surgery for heart failures. These types of aggressive surgeries can often lead to death. What is needed is a new heart of completely different origin, created by AI, and designed for modular functioning lasting eternally - that can be easily installed during youth years.

In the advanced Big Brain Technologies VMA Vast Mind Array ten year project to develop what may be the world's most sophisticated TransHuman, developers have stumbled across one massive problem. The bio parts continue to fail and many bio parts have no complete replacement. Therefore, the life longevity, while prolonged by this experiment in AI human and machine science, is not nearly long enough.

While developing Big Brain Technologies VMA Vast Mind Array sophisticated TransHuman, the heart has had complete cardiac failure across the five years of upgrading the bio parts into machines parts and AI conscripts. While new approved machine hearts of any longevity are not available in the world, Big Brain Technologies has invested in smaller mechanical parts to extend the life of the bio heart. This may include various replacements that are smaller components or devices such as mechanical stents and mechanically installed valves.

"Transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement which advocates the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition." Wiki

Ultimately, adherents of transhumanism envisage a day when humans will free themselves of all corporeal restraints. Kurzweil and his followers believe this turning point will be reached around the year 2030, when biotechnology will enable a union between humans and genuinely intelligent computers and AI systems. The resulting human-machine mind will become free to roam a universe of its own creation, uploading itself at will on to a “suitably powerful computational substrate”. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Artificial Intelligence Mixes Machines and Plants

In a strange location in space and time, likely upon the distant future Earth when humans are extinct (an old style house still remains in the background during a Winter frozen environment after the Holocaust), the artificial general intelligence has created this predictive dreamscape based on text input. Upon closer examination, the AI machine has created entities of a mix of part machine and part plant life. Are these the new dominant creatures that will rule the Earth? Have humans gone the way of the extinct dinosaur? Only time will tell.

Artificial Intelligence Mixes Machines and Plants

In a possible far reaching glimpse of a potential future, the general artificial intelligence software painted a new life form - a creative mix of part machine and part plant based entity, much like a human dreamscape. While self centered humans are thinking in terms of mixing machines and humanity, machines are thinking of mixing machine and plant life. The future remains a highly speculative prediction. Will a half machine half plant intelligence rule the future Earth?

Transhuman Interface 78

Transhuman Interface 78
Saturday November 12th, 2022 - Paying a visit to the TransHuman Cyborg Robotics Laboratory and Medical Center, a division of Big Brain Technologies and the Vast Mind Array, Humanoido has undergone the 78th implantation of a machine device to increase the overall effectiveness of the half human half machine experiment.

Index of 77 Implants

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Big Brain to Vast Mind Array

Big Brain to Vast Mind Array - Wall upon wall upon wall of supercomputing arrays laid out in hardware are being replaced by its software and computing counterparts. Certainly not too soon for the conversion, the Big Brain has consumed rooms of required space for all its supercomputing hardware, power supplies, nuts and bolts. Now for the first time, technology can be replaced -  transforming the Big Brain constructs into VMAs, Vast Mind Arrays. When one VMA is completed, the software is cloned and concatenated in the creation of a new Big Brain, ultimately more powerful by exponential leaps and bounds.

Big Brain to Vast Mind Array VMA

Converting hardware to software in the creation of a Big Brain Vast Mind Array might be a one time thing if programming by the hands of artificial intelligence is introduced. In this scenario, fully trained on data sets AI is fed text descriptions to create operational software that replaces Big Brain hardware. The AI writes the programming. After the creation of the first Vast Mind Array VMA, its embodiment can be cloned for a huge vastness Big Brain never before imagined.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

AI Creating Brains

AI Creating Brains - Painting

AI is using painting creativity and descriptive text words input to create its own artistic version of a brain. Source

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Big Brain Transformation to Digital Meta Brain after Twenty Years

Big Brain Transformation to Digital Meta Brain after Twenty Years

The Big Brain is composed of hardware and software. Mid development included 240,000 computing processors and specific software running on its own planform. This has evolved over a period of twenty years with the big brain assimilating a plethora other machines inclusive of bionic chips and new technologies, bringing the Big Brain into the vast realm of supercomputing.

The Big Brain now includes software and digital representations of incredible power which is open ended meaning it can be expanded continuously. It can be designed to run platform specific. The actual brain, composed of digital constructs and digital brain elements, can be tucked away in the Metaverse or stored on a single cloud, wisping through the meta waves. A great deal of things change, including power restraints, backup and storage, location, programming, capabilities and operating speed. The Meta Brain can also transmit through space and time to new locations. Heavy and powerful meta transmitters using lasers can send the Meta Brain potentially light years in distance to new solar systems or throughout the SOL system. Potential Meta Big Brain stations are possible using a number of way-point distribution centers.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

AI Makes its own Video

The AI has created this dream-like scape surrealistic motion picture scene for its own MV music video

AI Makes its own Video - and it's Spectacular!

conducted by DoodleChaos
3,250,067 views May 17, 2022

(In the words of the YouTube Channel owner) "In this video, I utilized artificial intelligence to generate an animated music video for the song Canvas by Resonate. This tool allows anyone to generate beautiful images using only text as the input. My question was, what if I used song lyrics as input to the AI, can I make perfect music synchronized videos automatically with the push of a button? Let me know how you think the AI did in this visual interpretation of the song."

"After getting caught up in the excitement around DALL·E2 (latest and greatest AI system, it's INSANE), I searched for any way I could use similar image generation for music synchronization. Since DALL·E2 is not available to the public yet, my search led me to VQGAN + CLIP (Vector Quantized Generative Adversarial Network and Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training), before settling more specifically on Disco Diffusion V5.2 Turbo. If you don't know what any of these words or acronyms mean, don't worry, I was just as confused when I first started learning about this technology. I believe we're reaching a turning point where entire industries are about to shift in reaction to this new process (which is essentially magic!)."

You can see the video here.

The music Rezonate/Canvas is found here.