Friday, December 9, 2022

Life Living Outside of Time

Unlimited quantities of multiverses are postulated to exist, universes other than our own that may be living on the fringes just outside of time. The above illustration by Humanoido indicates 9 universes coexisting in a froth that may have existed before the Big Bang that birthed our universe. What are the postulated ramifications for life living outside of our time? Undoubtedly, other universes may come and go, each with their space and time structures and their own rules of Physics - but what happens to the life in these universes? Do some exceed super intelligence, enough to break through the surly bonds of a singular confining universe and if so, what evidence might we gather as to their predicaments? Or are they forever trapped in space and time moving toward a demise of all life?

Abundance of Life Living Outside of Our Space and Time
Admitting there are more questions than answers... What existed before our universe came into being? Are other life forms responsible for the birth of our universe? Is our universe from a God or some super scientist just dicking around with an ultra advanced science and cosmological experiment? One might postulate there are other universes in a multiverse structure. But where did the other multiverses come from? What is the origin of these extra universes. As we are confined by our own laws of physics and space time dimensional qualities, will we ever open the door to one of these outside universes, even if it's just an infinitesimally small quantum door? If they reside in a pre-universe froth of some sorts, where did that come from? Which came first? - the chicken or the egg?

After humanity has evolved over a millions of years cycles, only in the past couple hundred years have we seen the birth of cosmologists - arisen to ask these questions about our universe and what lies beyond in the great abyss. We are but babies in the infancy of the throes of life. How long will it take for humanity to answer the burning questions of the origin of life itself and the mysteries surrounding multiverse residencies or will the super intellect of the offspring of the "artificial" life we create provide answers? Only time and the Singularity that we are rapidly approaching will determine the answers...