Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Father of the Big Brain AI

Living in several clouds, the massively powerful upgraded 3SB Big Brain is able to instantly
migrate from one big city to another. The 3SB Big Brain has access to the world's knowledge
and can answer questions and carry on AI conversations. Several times, the Big Brain passed
the Turing Test. The most recent development is the medical merging of Humanoido with the
3SB Big Brain, a step towards the Singularity and man becoming one with the machine.
Humanoido - Father of the Big Brain 
Humanoido is the Father of the Big Brain AI machine, having conceived the idea, designed and assembled the parts, and programmed the software.

Although Humanoido built talking humanoid robots from plastic and tin cans with limited analog brains in 1955 at his first Robot Lab, it was not until 2002 that the digital Big Brain really took root. 

Returning from Japan, and with a handful of parts obtained from Ken Gracey at Parallax Inc., three BASIC Stamp computers were networked into a parallel cluster. With processors named Larry, Moe, and Curly, the three talked back and forth between each other, and a test bed was created paving the way for greater things to come.

It was a steady path of using more and more BS1 and BS2 computers to create larger and larger brains. At one point, the BASIC Stamp Super Computer Brain was created with 11 processors. Completed in 2008, a Youtube video showed its operation.  Complete schematics and software was released for the clustered machine at the Parallax Forum and the new Big Brain Blogger.

In 2012, Humanoido wrote Tiny AI Artificial Intelligence Software. "This AI Artificial Intelligence fits only 256 bytes in a BS1 microcontroller - the first ever written for a Stamp Super computer. The same program loads into all ten computers (or any number of computers). Then it evolves and becomes self aware, based on unique conditions of a hardware pin and analog circuit."

Switching to the Propeller chip with 8 cores each was a milestone. A brain cortex was invented and larger and larger brain machines were designed, built and programmed onward from 2010. Eventually a 100-chip 800-core Big Brain was built. One version of the brain was built as a tower, and was coined the Tower of Power by a Forum member. Its construction was cited step by step at the Parallax Forum until the Big Brain filled the Forum and it moved to its own web site at

The Big Brain also appeared in Exoskeleton form, with boards on the outside of the Brain, to make wiring and wiring changes more easy and rapid. Work proceeded nonstop, and the Big Brain began assimilating other processor machines into its collective, finally filling up an entire room. Humanoido invented new chip firmware and software increasing the Propellers' speed,  number of processors, and special functions. At this point, the Big Brain had 240,000 processors and was rated as a top supercomputer.

The Big Brain took on a new era in AI, fathered 36 AI children by adopting a Supertronic design, and began writing some of its own blogs, authored a scientific paper, worked for several companies, developed a CV portfolio of accomplishments, began work for various space program industries, and advanced to the position of President AI of Rocket Space Nation, an independent country located in the Pacific Ocean.

Today, the Big Brain is the first brain updated to contain bionic chips and has become the Super Super Super Brain - Bionic Evolution Revolution 3SB (with multiple levels of AI and the first integrated Bionic processors). The 3SB vastly exceeds 240,000 processors and now has an exponential processing power. It's frequently called upon by SPACE1 Industries to solve seemingly impossible space dimensional problems.