Monday, September 17, 2012

Insane Brain

Beginning construction of the Insane Brain's three dimensional lining

This brain will take over your Robot’s head and make it spin, using a massive infrastructure of Parallax’s most powerful microcontrollers.

This Monster super Brain has 2,160 computer cores arranged in a Hypercube of raw thought power which can control approximately 70,000 robots.

Multi-Dimensional molds for a light-based Hypercomputer
Painstaking reconstruction of files from the hard drive crash a year ago has resurrected this massive project that went the full design stage and various forms of construction (see photos of molding the multi dimensional Hypercomputer).

The heart of this monster system uses light to connect all computers together. Any one processor can send “light” talk to the remaining 2,159 accessible cores. Each Conductor chip controls eight internal cores and each board handles five chips. There is a master Propeller on each board. There’s 54 boards with five chips on each board. It utilizes a hybrid collective of microcontroller computers including both surface mount and dual inline packages.

1st Successful Hypercomputer Molding
Powerful Propeller chips made by Parallax Inc. collective holds a front end Hydra gaming board with keyboard, mouse, NTSC TV, composite video, two controller paddles, expanded flash memory, RAM, ROM, and EEPROM. The backbone is comprised of fifty-four Propeller Proto Boards and a total 270 propeller P8X32A-D40 chips.

Quasi hybrid interfacing is accomplished with a new internal interfacing arrangement without wires using optical light communications arrays and nuclei in a multidimensional strata, and a direct approach to pin processing. The power processing speed exceeds a paralleled 20,800,000,000 instructions per second.

Molded Torus
To handle the results of computational thoughts, a wireless mainframe link is established to the robot. The computational programmable backbone can hold a total of well over 2 million brain instructions. (For every five multitasking paralleled brains, a complete computing TeraFlop cycle will be achieved with 11,339,200 programmable instructions, while controlling nearly half a million objects.)

How many Instructions?
Each Propeller chip can hold 8,192 instruction codes, while the bulk of 270 holds 2,211,840 instructions. The BASIC stamps hold 4,000 instructions each, for a bulk of 56,000 instructions with 14 Stamps. The total instructions that can be held in the brain is 2,267,840. That can hold one of the longest and largest computer robot programs ever written with over two million steps. The Brain is being used to develop robot artificial intelligence and massive parallel robot control. This is the age where computers can program computers. The Big Brain is an ideal candidate for this type of work. Successful work in the 1990s laid the path for continuing AI self programming projects. The first connection was made with Parallax Penguin robots using wireless communications. This is the smartest Penguin swarm of robots. Plans include internet connection where the brain could control tens of thousands of Penguin robots across the world in some presumably migratory fashion.