Saturday, May 25, 2013

Seeing the Future

HOW TO SEE THE FUTURE? It's generally agreed that telescopes see into the past, an effect of the finite speed of light at 186,000 miles a second and the great time required to traverse the vast distances of space. But what about the future? Can a telescope have a configuration to see into the future? Are there other means by which we can see into the future?

There are several conditions that may fulfill the requirement of seeing the future, some with a telescope and some without. One relates to the position of an observer relative to a black hole and super gravity. The other condition provides an understanding of the fate of the Universe that will predict our future.

We already know it's possible to draw lines of gravitational effectuation using the GGM Telescope and trace their roots to sources beyond our Universe. This too can predict the fate of our future.

Yet another condition is the fact of traveling at relativistic speeds and then returning to a point of origin, where the world has seemingly accelerated into the future.

Another effect that can permit one person to see the future that another person will eventuality view is one of juxtaposition. As incoming light from a supernova is seen by someone in space 100 light years ahead of you in position, they will see first what you will only see 100 years in your future.

Perhaps thought of as anecdotal,  a telescope under construction can see a future if it's completed.

Taking data, a simulation can calculate and show the future. One example is a program that calculates the positions of the stars and planets for the future and displays the result.

There is also the inexplicable, on the verge of discovery. For example, take the quantum future particle that can phase from future to past, and if you can capture one and decode/unravel its mysteries, it may have stories to tell about future tracks.

With predictive positioning, a telescope can observe a galaxy of stars, their stellar motions over a short period of time, and predict, plot, extrapolate, and see the future of the galaxy.

1) Relativistic Near Light Speed Travel
2) Telescope Determines Universe Fate & Our Future
3) Super Gravity from a Black Hole
4) GGT Gravitometric Root Tracing
5) Relative Juxtapositioning
6) Anectdotal
7) Simulation from Data 
8) Quantum Future Particle 
9) Predictive Positioning