Friday, May 3, 2013

Two Edges Universe Unfolding

TWO EDGES: The Universe space time cosmos is unfolding and traveling faster than the speed of light in which the rate of expansion occurs. There is no limit as to how fast space time can stretch and contort. This leads to a remarkable structure filled with yet-to-understand formations and conditions.

The Universe has more than one edge. One edge is located at 13.77 billion years of time, representing the burst of the singularity known as the Big Bang, yet light has currently traveled to 46 billion light years away in every direction, which is the distance that the light has now reached. This latter numerical representation is the edge of the universe visible in all directions. This represents the farthest distance from the Earth in which cosmic light can reach us. It represents the radius of the observable Universe.

However, beyond the observable Universe lies more universe, or that which remains indirectly connect, yet detached by other definition, encompassed from the objects and matter whose light has yet to reach us and from matter which aggregates relative to specific regions from extinction lines (edges) where nothing more beyond is directly and optically observable.

It's this extinction boundary where light has cutoff. NASA has confirmed a glimpse of the "dark flow" existing beyond the extinction boundary migrated from a singularity.

Yet, as we have discovered, if we go back farther in time, there lies another edge to the Universe with objects that are made up of gravity and no light that we can observe for one reason or another.

We are finding, and will find more evidence, that the Universe is much more intricate and has more parts and mechanisms than we currently know. The Big Brain Space Initiate is currently working towards unraveling the mixed palette of space time leading to the edge of the Universe and beyond.

With these new discoveries and findings, it's likely the current Big Brain Space Initiative's telescope will evolve from the current Power Dynamic Telescope PDT into one that also incorporates powerful gravity sensors and/or gravity inferencing techniques as a super telescope to look into and detect things beyond the cosmic barrier and edge.

It's also possible to observe the focus of the observable to find and map the direct unobservable.