Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Space1 Presidential Meeting

The President flew to Hong Kong & met Space1 CEO, Founder, & Rocket Scientist
The Presidential Meeting took place on Saturday September 20th 2014 in Hong Kong. Space1's CEO, Founder, and Rocket Scientist ヒューマノイドああ met with the President 風水大師宋 and discussed the future of space tourism using Space1's Safety Rockets. The President has agreed to invest in a broad future path for Space1, continuing backing and support of its technology, and expanding operations in multiple international locations.

The company will continue to develop safety rockets for space tourism and invest heavily in R&D, increase the technological inventory and supply of space equipment, and pave the way for future space craft.

Part of the plan is to continue development of a space station to support outbound rockets in mid-flight, along the way towards specific aerospace apogee destinations.

Also designed is a return space plane, a glider that can detach from the rocket and return its occupants safely to the Earth.

It's also expected that the current rocket fleet of 14 rockets will be expanded to include various new designs with innovative space interiors and a multitude of new features.