Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Advanced Aliens

Arecibo is a 305 meter diameter radio telescope located in a natural depression in Puerto Rico.
Is it really pathetic that we are looking for aliens with radio? Do you really think they would be transmitting to us with old fashioned radio? Radio, on Earth, is archaic at 120 years old.

As our sun is young comparatively to other stars in the galaxy by 4 billion years, it suggests that the average alien could be 2 billion years more advanced than humans. A lot can happen in that time span of evolution.

Aliens 2 billion years more advanced than us will no longer have bodies as we think, and may evolve into pure energy or something beyond. An alien this advanced would not use old radio waves.

It's very doubtful we would know any technology for the required instantaneous transceiver type devices needed for across the galaxy conversation.

Given that radio travels at the speed of light, and would take one million years to reach one of the nearest galaxies, and another million years for the reply to reach Earth, why would any alien be so stupid as to use that form of communications?

Only Earthlings are so stupid to send a message that would take 50,000 years to answer round trip to and from M13 stars in the constellation Hercules, as we did in the 1970s with the Arecibo radio telescope.

Only an aggressive species like us would use radio, and our location calling card message might be a food menu telling aliens "the restaurant is located here, come eat us."

In fact, there is nothing on Earth that advanced aliens are interested in. So they have no need to come here in flying saucers or otherwise. Other planets have water, metals, and the same resources as the Earth, so why travel billions of light years to the Earth?

So let's get off our lazy stupid human arses and invent a form of instant communications for across the galaxy conversations. But really, will the reply be anything we can understand? We will be like unimportant single cell creatures to any alien advanced by 2 billion years.