This may affect Space1 programs. All said and similar Space1 research vehicles may be thrown away in the USA. For more information, contact Space1 Corporate Office.
All planned launches involving said devices may be discontinued in the USA. Space1 is considering to maintain the fleet overseas, continuing research at that location(s). Launches, space flights, and other programs involving said devices may be discontinued in the USA and strengthened overseas. Long term results of strict USA government control will undoubtedly take money and investment away from the USA and strengthen other countries like China, etc.
For two years, Space1 has incorporated the use of said devices for the purposes of primarily imaging space rocket launches from ground point and throughout the troposphere in 4D, inclusive of various aerodynamic research programs and the ability to act as a supporting air flight platform. These programs may be canceled in the USA as a result of new impending government control of said devices.