Saturday, August 20, 2022

Life on Mars - Alien or Otherwise

Do not remove your Mars helmet. Very low atmospheric pressure will make your blood boil and your eyeballs swell and pop out of their sockets. After a few agonizing torturous seconds, it will all be over. It may be best to explore Mars with TESLA robot humanoids that don't need to worry much about atmospheric pressure.

Mars is blasted with toxic harmful radiation. Dwellers may live under protective domes, inside printed habitats, under the ground, or in space safe recycled rocket segments.

Life on Mars - Alien or Otherwise
Big Brain Technologies is working on several projects and experiments related to Mars and its colonization. One, we are growing and developing new methods to create food for long term Martian explorers and colonists. The plant project has reached a full five levels of growth - ideal for Mars cultures and farming. Two, the study goes deeper to safely preserve and maintain human life on Mars with the recommended design for radiation hardened translucent domes under the Martian sky. Domes can be pressurized and life inside the dome may see a landscape similar to Earth. Martian colonists need not wear space suits and helmets as the air pressure will be similar to Earth.