Sunday, August 21, 2022

Big Brain Technologies Invents Digital Neural Brain Communications

In a brain scan gram Humanoido's new invention of micron neuronic lasers in the brain have linked desired neurons from the net. The system isolates a neuronal mass and then logs into it using a modified digital lasering technology for information capture and transmittance. This improves techniques for communicating with axonal pathways by injecting neural net data.


Big Brain Technologies Invents Digital Neural Brain Communications

The Neuronal Mass Sensor Sweeper Brain Capture Device

Homanoido's other invention is the technique of human brain snapshot. This machine does a neuronal mass sensor sweep brain capture and shows micral lasering to selected axion pathways and the resulting neuronal end points. No two human brains are alike and humanoido's invention, the Neuronal Mass Sensor Sweeper Brain Capture Device, uses high technology to seek out neuronal mass and map their positions for interaction.

Humanoido at Big Brain Technologies Digital Neural Communications is revolutionizing the way the human brain is being digitized, one step at a time. These long awaited techniques and brain neural tech inventions are the next steps towards making brain longevity, brain storage, and brain immortality possible. It also enables life inside the Metaverse. Through neuronal mass injection, human brain data is injected or extracted using special micral lasers modified to interface to subject neurons and pathways. This can become an immediate sumption tool to snapshot the human brain for multidimensional or cartographic digitization and preservation, then push the digital neural data forest for transference into the Meta Universe for potential long term storage and digital immortality.

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