Sunday, August 21, 2022

New Way for Alien Life to Explore Mars - Digitized Metaverse Packet Worlds

Enter into the diffracted new dimensional high tech digitized world of the Metaverse Singularity

New Way for Alien Life to Explore Mars - Enter Digitized Metaverse Singularity Packet Worlds

Humanoido of Big Brain Technologies and Space1 Industries has invented a new way to explore the planet Mars. Beginning in 2016, Space1 has evolved high tech methods of space travel which has covered the entire space exploration spectrum from rockets to avatars to electrodynamic spacecraft and now in 2022, the high technology of spectral singularity of a digitized Metaverse. Metaverses can be entered by digital avatars, stored onto mediums of singularity, and transported or transmitted to the intended site. Digital humanoids living in the Metaverse can basically weigh nothing, have their own support worlds filled with tools for Mars exploration and colonization, and can be relocated to other Solar System bodies to expand the proliferation of new life.