Monday, August 14, 2023

Thinking Brain Ace Rejuvenator

Thinking Brain Ace Rejuvenator

The Thinking Brain establishes the Ace Rejuvenator, a secret USA age modifier used by American woman (and men) for ages.

August 13, 2023. Allows one to modify age up or down in a chronological fashion. Advantages may include double fast healing and typical age restoration.

The Thinking Brain does not use hardware and/or coded software, nor does this approach use medical equipment or specific medical text. The Thinking Brain thinks in constructs unto itself to resolve highly specific or non-specific unsolved questions.

The Thinking Brain replaces over 20 years of Big Brain work and blogs typically a massive hardware orientated advanced project. The new Thinking brain has nothing to explain nor parts and components for storage. It's the latest, easily movable technology.

This is new technology. Is it anti aging? Not exactly. Does it change the aging process? Yes. Can it hault, slow down, or suspend one's time frame to the whereabouts of middle age, for example - Yes. Obviously interests in time travel will be spiked to a high new level.