Saturday, March 24, 2012

Frozen Light in the Universe

Coldest known place in the Universe
I was going to say that aunt sue may rest but light and photons do not. Then, I read about an experiment where the speed of light is brought to a stop in a matter known as the Bose Einstein Condensate set at a temperature of a few nano Kelvins above absolute 0.

ULTRA Telescope Agency Photo Courtesy: Humanoido, Big Propeller Brain, DSC Deep Space Center, ULTRA Space Administration and NASA

Space is very cold and the light emitted from objects in deep space may well pass the proximity of zones near absolute zero, thus alterning the light. How do we detect these zones and how is the light altered? We already know, predicted by Einstein, that light is affected by passing a strong gravity field, proven by Lensing Objects observed in the Universe by astronomers.

Investigations of Frozen Light
I didn't hear of any investigations of Universe light dealing with natural Bose Condensates or their discoveries. This may be a point of investigation, however, the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at every point in the Universe is at 3 degrees Kelvin so any objects located in the coldest zones will achieve a 2.7 deg. K. temperature over a great time of thermal equalization. It's currently believed that the Boomerang Nebula is the coldest place in the Universe harboring a temperature of 1 deg. K.

Finding Frigid Photons
Apparently photons can freeze if the temperature is cold enough and the light will stick, and just stop. Perhaps a few of these sub K deg. Bose patches exist if they are insulated from the 3-deg. Microwave Cosmic radiation and if so, we can detect the effects of light. Let's say the light has gone Super Luminal, then hits a Bose Patch and freezes. Frozen light paths or travel tubes may contain the rear light transcending up to component that freezes and may either pass or not pass through it. If it passes, we may never know there is a frozen spot in the tube where light has stopped unless a litmus test is applied - knowing the luminosity of the source and then comparing it to the observed light intensity. If it does not pass, extinction may result.

Freeze Yourself in Time
What is all this leading to? As an offshoot of thinking, a friend asked me if I could freeze time so as to stop aging and not become old. Well, be careful for what you ask. The speed at which light travels determines the speed at which time flows. The faster light travels when greater than .1C, the slower the inertial clock will tick, and when light is stopped in the Bose Medium, the flow of time also stops for that photonic reference system. At that point, a body becomes a mass just under 1 degree Kelvin which is pretty near absolute zero. What are the results? Either the constituent body components would break down or one would be in a state of suspended animation frozen in time until the end of eternity, and achieving the goal to stop aging and not grow older.