Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Avoid Dangerous Aliens

A first contact meal menu?
Going Stealth with the ULT
Although this is a controversial topic, at one time we believed that with great intelligence would come great understanding and the compassion for all living creatures. This is no longer the case.

We see people eating higher life forms like Whales and Dolphins, Monkeys and not too long ago there existed human cannibalism in the regions of the Amazon. One only needs to watch Nat Geo to see jungle native elders explaining the taste of humans. Even those Westerners thought cultured, in survival times of crisis such as a plane crash, have eaten their comrades. Perhaps the human race is a fluke or has not yet attained the intellectual compassion that comes with greater technological advancement, evolution and star travel, or not! When Pioneer spacecraft was sent out, it carried a Plaque telling aliens exactly where to find us. Any aliens with faster than light traveling spaceships and a hunger for humans now have a map to their next meal.

Commander Dan Burbank, Engineer Don Pettit, Robonaut
Stay Safe
Why do you think Project SETI has searched the skies for decades, looking for intelligent life and found nothing? Aliens know better than to foolishly send out their calling cards.

Safely Traveling the Stars
A much better, more safe and benign way to travel the stars and circumnavigate right ascension declination of this great universe and stay safe is by using the ULT Ultra Large Telescope as an Obversing Star Ship, one that is aligned to see and observe material that travels to us, from there to here, without leaving any traces of our presence. Observational Travel with the ULT is the latest trend in safe intergalactic travel. Someday we can send out robots like Robonaut to do the journey for us and endure the hazards of space travel.

Five Maps for Aliens to Find Earth
Two Voyager Spacecraft sent out maps

Pioneer 10 carried a map

Radio Telescope Arecibo transmitted a map to M13

The Apollo Moon Plaque was placed on the Moon in 1969

Ways to More Safely Explore the Universe
Observational Telescope
Obverse Space Craft
Robot Explorers
Gravity Well - Material Finding Earth (like the Mars rock)

NASA Space Science Data Center
Image Credit - NASA