Friday, November 26, 2021

Big Space & Technologies Expo

Humanoido Organizes the Largest Big Brain Space Technologies Expo Ever Conceived
SPACE1 and Big Brain Technologies sponsored its largest space expo to date, made possible by Humanoido, Founder of both organizations.

This year's Expo was a 12 day event and included everything Big Brain and space from the perspective of private industry and owner Humanoido. 

Organized by Humanoido, the Expo was sectioned off and subdivided into a series of events. On display were many cutting edge technologies such as an actual new Dynamonic Electrodynamic Stargate Explorer Vehicle for space travel. Space ventures could be scheduled for excursions towards lunar orbit on the days of good weather. Virtual EXPO sections were provided due to Covid arrangements.

Divided into high technology sections, working demonstrations of starship cloaking device, long range sensors, the craft to travel throughout the solar system and lunar lasers could be accessed. The section of Dimensional Traversing was very popular which led to the Quantum door and Quantum Space Computing. Scientific paper academy covered three days. The AI section was popular and shown were AI robotics with world knowledge and the Big Brain Supercomputer with the first Bio chips integration.

— the massive door prize was a free trip into space worth 25 million dollars —

Humanoido demonstrated Cyborg Transhuman intelligence by staging demonstrations of advanced IQ and enhanced intelligence. Big Brain Technologies demonstrated silicon life forms and results from the Big Brain Supercomputer AI. Pacific Lunar Extravaganza Dynasty was present demonstrating its new Lunar Atlas for colonization of the Moon. SPACE1 provided historical records of astronaut Humanoido's first trip to the Moon's South Pole. High Tech Space Country was present signing up new country members for migration life beyond the Oceanic Pacific Rim.

Jobs were signed for conducting high technology space operations in the South Pacific Ocean. SPACE1 demonstrated eight years of Safety Rocket development and evolution. Another demo, an advanced version CORTEX BRAIN in a jar was demonstrated as a portion of a human brain was uploaded into the machine brain in the jar. The machine digital Cortex Brain could talk and recant stories and personality of the person who uploaded their consciousness. This new version of Cortex Brain was operated on fuel cells with solar cells and battery backup. The project demonstrated how future humanity may achieve life immortality.

Singularity Observatory was present demonstrating two of the world largest telescopes and the high technology methods of Amping. Also show was a device to see through clouds and inclimate weather. The achievements of Humanoido's space telescopes were also presented with free autographed rare copies of his book Power Telescopes which contained a full color spread of astronomical images taken throughout the Universe. Humanoido's space repair robot humanoid was on display along with numerous other rocket astronaut robots. A completely new method of conducting a SETI project to search for alien life with probable much higher success was illustrated.

Science & technologies inventions galore were present and the Cloaking Device was extremely popular. People lined up to make themselves and/or families disappear. Life Sentience was a theme at the demo room where plants exhibited communicative intelligent behavior and plant brains were accessed. Humanoido showed his interface that allows fish to talk and speak in English. He is working on a plant version prototype.

Big Brain Technologies Medical Lab was present showing the process of taking AI into human implants to raise the intelligence IQ level of humans and to access the human brain in ways that were not feasible previously. SPACE1 demonstrated its famous Imaging Space Telescope returned from space and a gallery of space objects. Complete rare sets of the magazine SPACE1 were available.

The paper presentation section included advanced reviews of what lies beyond Einstein's Space Time Continuum, conquering the realm of alternate dimensions, constructing DIY cloaking devices, building starships, piloting the new Dynamonic Electrodynamic Stargate Explorer Vehicle, tuning & calibrating Stargate in wide discovery & explore modes, Astrophysics and orbital dynamics, calculating orbits and the mathematics of solar system and stellar navigation, how to increase your IQ significantly, build a digital cortex brain and transfer your consciousness, communicating with fish and plants as sentient life forms, and others. The Expo ended with the drawing for a massive door prize - a free trip into space, worth 25 million dollars.